Geometrical skill is ability of a person to decide about shape of any object. Have you thought was is the shape of apple that you eats daily or what is the shape of mountain? Have you thought was shape of your pencil box? Let us know about shape of all things together.

Types of geometrical Figures


Maths class 1 Geometrical Skills





Pictorial view of Geometrical figures

Maths class 1 Geometrical Skills


Maths class 1 Geometrical Skills




Solved and unsolved examples on Geometrical skills

Maths class 1 Geometrical Skills


Maths class 1 Geometrical Skills


Maths class 1 Geometrical Skills


Maths class 1 Geometrical Skills


Maths class 1 Geometrical Skills




  • Geometrical skills is the ability of a person to determine shape of any figure.
  • There are basic foue figures circle, square, triangle and rectangle.
  • Circle is round in shape. Example – Apple, Orange, sun etc.
  • Rectangle has four sides and it’s opposite sides are equal.
  • Square has four sides all are equal.
  • Traingle has three sides and is of shape of mountain.


Maths class 1 Geometrical Skills