Roman Numerals
Roman numerals were originated in ancient Rome to calculate the numbers and values.
The number system we are using is Hindu-Arabic Numeral System.
How To Read Roman Numerals
Once you remember these seven symbols , reading roman numerals is very easy.
Have a look on roman numerals from 1-10.
If a symbol is repeated, its value increased as many times as it occurs, but the same symbol cannot be used more than 3 times.
Example: I = 1, II=2, III = 3
X = 10, XX = 20, XXX = 30
Did you observe that we cannot use the same symbol more than 3 times?
There is no numeral value for zero.
So, there are seven basic symbols that we use to read and write roman numerals:
How to Write Other Numbers?
If a symbol of lower value is written to the left of greater value symbol, then its value is subtracted from the value of the greater symbol.
If a symbol of greater value is written to the left of lower value symbol, then their values are added.
Practice Exercise
Write the Roman Numerals for following numbers:
- 6
- 28
- 39
- 50
- 64
Answers: 1) VI 2) XXVIII 3) XXXIX 4) L 5) LXIV
Write the numbers for following:
- C
Answers: 1) 7 2) 14 3) 29 4) 49 5) 100
Match the Roman Numerals with Numbers:
V |
60 |
30 |
LX |
104 |
5 |
12 |
V |
5 |
12 |
LX |
60 |
104 |
30 |
- Roman numerals are represented with symbols.
- There is no roman numeral for zero.
- We cannot use same symbol more than 3 times.
- Important symbols: V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500, M=1000