Numbers are the basic unit of mathematics. A number system is a writing system for expressing numbers. Do you want to know how things are measured, counted or compared? Let's find out!

The places ones, tens, and hundred together are called one's period

One's Period













  • The numbers at One's place are named as:

    1 = One
    2 = Two
    3 = Three
    4 = Four
    5 = Five
    6 = Six
    7 = Seven
    8 = Eight
    9 = Nine

    The numbers at Tens place are named as:
  • 10 = Ten
    20 = Twenty
    30 = Thirty
    40 = Forty
    50 = Fifty
    60 = Sixty
    70 = Seventy
    80 = Eighty
    90 = Ninety
  • The numbers at Hundred’s place are named as:

    100 = One hundred
    200 = Two hundred
    300 = Three hundred
    400 = Four hundred
    500 = Five hundred
    600 = Six hundred
    700 = Seven hundred
    800 = Eight hundred
    900 = Nine hundred

Write the number in words

Maths class 2 Number names

Guess the numbers

Maths class 2 Number names

Practice these questions

Q1) In the box given below match the words to the numbers

Maths class 2 Number names

Q3) Count the hundreds, tens, and ones and write the numbers

Maths class 2 Number names

Q4) Write the following number in expanded form

Maths class 2 Number names

Q5) Write the following number in standard form

Maths class 2 Number names

Q6) Write the value of the underlined digits

Maths class 2 Number names

Q8) Identify the numbers

Maths class 2 Number names